Category: Data Extraction

Covid by region Globally -Data visualisation- Part 3

At the end of the last post I’d found that the original NZ regional dataset had changed. I was also finding it slow working in Google Sheets as the interwongle seems to be slow with so much demand. So I decided that I’d start working locally. My current process is to get the data, manipulate

StdLib API automation test with AirTable, SMS message, GMail & Google Sheets

Somewhere I came across Standard Library but best searched for under StdLib. I signed up for it and found a couple of videos. It looked like magic and required serious coding, so I put it down at the time. I have been receiving regular “onboarding” emails (Seems pretty common and irritating when you sign up

Architectural Colour Schedule in Excel

The last post I tried to use AirTable to create a Colour Schedule from a Revit export. Thinking I could use the Database to cross reference items in the room such as doors/windows etc to be able to pull those in to make the colour scheme planning more comprehensive. It didn’t work. Along the way

Revit internal condition over time GIF

Background I have written a post on showing internal building fabric condition over time in this article Revit Internal Condition over Time.I was not, at the time, happy with the presentation of the information as it was a series of screenshots that I then put in as slides to step through the process. Two things