Category: Wordpress

eMail before Download 1

I’m stuffing up the setup. I’m using 3 plugins and they are not playing together. The plugins are Contact Form 7(CF7) , Download monitor (DM) & EmailBeforeDownload (EBD) The help files are not! Helpful so I want to just step through process, as I’ve stuffed it up a number of times. Objectives of this exercise

Web Animator Now Free License & animations

I saw this free license, from videos it doesn’t have templates and interface is a bit more simplistic than one shown in videos but still pretty good. The license key expires in a couple of days so I should load onto ‘puters today. I got the license from ” target=”blank” style=”glass” background=”#428bca” size=”4″]Video Playlist[/su_button] The

400 Posts

Or just over, as I notice I have 403 published posts, that crept up on me, as I still thought I was mid 350’s. I’ve started to look in my Draft posts, I have 30 of them. Some started with an idea that went no further, or started to use a program that I ended