Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Background to issue Major stuffup, I’d got spam comments on website and I deleted about 2/3 of my post table rows. This lost me all my download links to code files for eBooks I’d published. I was foolish in that I didn’t have a backup of the website (I do now) so I had to
Clippings is an add-on in Firefox and Thunderbird. It allows you to store clips for reuse. You can set hotkeys to access them, but you need to do another hotkey before you can access the hotkey you want , so a 2 step process. I suppose that could be good if you have massive repetitions
I saw this video and the little bit that he showed for WordPress got me enthused into trying to setup stuff in AutoHotKey and in aText. A few of the samples are below. The one thing I find a nuicance in WordPress is headings and the popup for that with aText with z4, z3 for
I’m hunting around for a color accordion/spoiler as the current one is gray and a bit bland. I found the ultimate shortcode plugin had extra css to put in and that got the job done, I’d tried a few other plugins including Cosmic Blocks but am really happy with the solution as it reduces extra
I’m stuffing up the setup. I’m using 3 plugins and they are not playing together. The plugins are Contact Form 7(CF7) , Download monitor (DM) & EmailBeforeDownload (EBD) The help files are not! Helpful so I want to just step through process, as I’ve stuffed it up a number of times. Objectives of this exercise
I saw this free license, from videos it doesn’t have templates and interface is a bit more simplistic than one shown in videos but still pretty good. The license key expires in a couple of days so I should load onto ‘puters today. I got the license from ” target=”blank” style=”glass” background=”#428bca” size=”4″]Video Playlist[/su_button] The
I’ve been having problems with trying to setup accounts from the email server I’ve setup on my Contabo VPS. So I haven’t been using them recently. Its been a bit annoying as they are handy for when sites do not want a public email like gmail or hotmail, so you set one up from your
I have been using WordPress for a while now, usually intermittently to write some posts and I also use Blogger. I do find some of the methods of altering basic text a bit of a pain, and am pretty disappointed with some of the Keyboard Shortcut s that are on offer: I saw this video
I’m starting to use more blocks in WordPress and am finding that there are not that many Keyboard Shortcuts within WordPress to use and the process of setting up blocks is quite slow. Shortcodes too slow in writing code So I wrote an aText snippet to allow for a fill in box for the title
Or just over, as I notice I have 403 published posts, that crept up on me, as I still thought I was mid 350’s. I’ve started to look in my Draft posts, I have 30 of them. Some started with an idea that went no further, or started to use a program that I ended