Category: API, JSON

PWA Progressive Web Apps- Tutorials , WordPress PWA plugin & chrome dev scrape web page table

I have been watching this series by the Net Ninja. He does really comprehensive beginner tutorials and I was extremely impressed with his series on PWA’s. PWA’s can run offline by caching data in browser From what I can figure PWA’s are web pages that work offline by caching info in your browser- newer browsers Gatsby & Netlify Blog Setup (fail) then moved to Hugo and Github deploy (win)

I logged into using my Github account and there was a Project that I was interested in testing that I’d seen a video for which was the Kitchen Sink template, but noticed that there was also a Gatsby Template for a Blog post, so I thought I’d try that out instead: After selecting Blog

Building a CRUD RESTful API with Cloud Functions and Firestore tutorial by Søren Spangsberg Jørgensen

Having a self created API allows me to hook up data to connect to front end pages, so I can feed information from the API to the page. This tutorial is CRUD tutorial with firebase firestore and functions , so another item that I’m very interested in. This is the video series where Søren Spangsberg