Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I was looking at a Wassat (Wellington Open Source Show & Tell) notice and looked back at one of the organisers, Grant, presentation on Bookmarklets on YouTube and slides. I thought it was an interesting idea and decided to explore it further. Basically you do add Javascript to the Address bar on a browser. This
I was reading an article today “‘Clunky’ government covid app used ‘minimally’ in Marlborough, businesses say“ I thought about building one with GlideApps. Then I thought about it some more and realised that GlideApps does not actually access any of your Phones features, its only a web page. Then I saw the video below and
I logged into using my Github account and there was a Project that I was interested in testing that I’d seen a video for which was the Kitchen Sink template, but noticed that there was also a Gatsby Template for a Blog post, so I thought I’d try that out instead: After selecting Blog
Trying to get a habndle on static sites, I’ve started a Gatsby & Hugo blog sites and now a barebones from the ground up using Next.js. This is a good tutorial to learn about dynamic pages and a static site so I’m going to focus on coding this, then head back to the Hugo site
Having a self created API allows me to hook up data to connect to front end pages, so I can feed information from the API to the page. This tutorial is CRUD tutorial with firebase firestore and functions , so another item that I’m very interested in. This is the video series where Søren Spangsberg
This seems a practical tutorial to do. It does the basic things that yuou want, Create, Read, Update & Delete. He does a script upload for database populating, but I’m interested in using it as a web app for a to do list or project list. Github repository for code HERE. After downloading his code
There is a great series of videos on how to set up this project by the Net Ninja ( The first video is: There is also a github repository with all the code here, you have to look at the branches to get the individual video lessons. So from your VS Code terminal >git pull
This guys vids are pretty cool. After my last failure ot get a pre-built app to Deploy on Heroku I decided to start from scratch and do a tutorial on building a React App from Scratch, and i followed the tutorial below: I started at about 3.30am in bed using the Surface 3. It didn’t
This is one of Brad Traversy’s courses for making an expense app. There are earlier videos where he does it in vanilla JS then moves on to doing it with React and using State to store the data, then in the video below he uses a MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React & Node) and gets
This is based on the video by below and also I cloned the git repository to use their code for testing HERE: I’m interested in playing with the React front end, as I’ve been playing with the node.js backend so I felt that this tutorial was an extension. After getting my head around the