Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
The scanner has arrived. As I’m waiting for my Label Maker I can only scan from screen (or print) at the moment. I’ve had a basic play with it and it seems to operate live wired and with wireless with the dongle. I have to have something open with text (Excel or Google Sheets so
I was watching the vid below on AHK and barcode scanners, he tells a story, about 7.20 min in about someone who uses barcodes to record feeding times and cage numbers to speed up record keeping. I thought that would be an interesting project for learning about recording data on plants, thinking about OraPharm (My
I was reading an article today “‘Clunky’ government covid app used ‘minimally’ in Marlborough, businesses say“ I thought about building one with GlideApps. Then I thought about it some more and realised that GlideApps does not actually access any of your Phones features, its only a web page. Then I saw the video below and
Click this link to go to developed app. Glide is a bit like Coda, but different. Its intentions is to build an app without needing to code. Allowing you to focus on content rather than process. It has a free tier and you need to sign up/sign in. You need a google account so that
In the previous post 3D QR code attempt 2 I succeeded in getting a QR code into Revit and was able to scan it there & also export to 3D PDF to scan there too. Unfortunately the process that was used required using an Autodesk free trial (30 day) programme Formit for conversion from TinkerCad
First, I’d like to stand corrected regarding a closing comment I made in the previous post on this subject, Trying to get 3D QR code in Revit/3DPDF, “The QR codes are sometimes referred as 3D codes as there is an X, Y and colour dimension (some marketing idiot obviously).” I found this article that discusses
In the last post QR code practical uses I explored a few uses like vCards and wifi connections. At the end of the post there were still a few items I wanted to try. SMS message The instance that I came across was an after-hours locked off lift. A sign with a barcode allowed you
I went to a WOSSAT (Wellington Open Source Show And Tell) meeting last night. Like a number of tech talks I go to in the evenings the office building has gone into lockdown. You need a swipecard to access the floor via lift etc. At the lift doors was a sign with a QR code
I first wrote an article about Bar codes & QR codes QR Codes and testing quite a while back. I also played with putting Barcodes onto Room Data sheets so that the Room ID could be scanned. I’ve just purchased a Label Maker. I was looking in a Stationary shop and came across a whole
After writing the initial post which I wrote whilst setting up and populating the database I had a further play, using the Mobile App, or rather, I didn’t get very far at all. The company who set up the free Asset Management Site make Bar Code tags, so the accessing of data would be by