?️-Maps with linked asset information
Maps are a great tool as an overview. They are “BIG PICTURE” stuff. You get a different perspective when you view things from afar with less granularity. It gives an overall view of the assets in an area.
We can use this overview to link and associate a lot of information, like a spiders web, to link a lot of discrete data held in different locations and pull those strands together in one place.
So we use Maps as a Reference point to link lots of information about a specific asset.
Like the Asset Management Information System (AMIS), which holds the source of truth for the data you analyse, so the Map holds the truth of the connections of all the data you have on the assets.
From this one place, you can control access to it via a login protocol for your team external contractors.
It is browser based it can be accessed from anywhere with a mobile device. This makes it valuable for accessing information about an asset when on site and locating information that can be downloaded about it to help speed up the maintenance/repair/replacement requirements.
Here is a link to a large site demonstrating collation of information into one reference location, accessible online from any location (Note, RH Top transparency slider works when you zoom into site).
A more simple demonstration link for a university campus.
(Note, you need to zoom in with the plus button (bottom right on the map) to get the slider transparency to work in this example)
We can overlay information onto the map, this is useful if you have updated buildings that are not on the existing Google Map images. You can vary the transparency of the overlay to get both satellite and overlay information to help locate assets (eg underground pipe or valve location)
We can even overlay building floor plans onto the map so you can see room orientations in relationship to other surrounding buildings (also good for identifying sun/shadow issues that may help with planning landscaping strategies (useful in hot climates for reducing cooling loads due to sun penetration through windows)
Here is a video using an online map to display and link to information:
[maxbutton id=”1″]
(Note, you will require a google maps API key to run the map from your site).