Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Name of Book? Heading & sub-heading Cover I’ll need identifiable revit symbol and some gears, something showing automation, other IDEAS for front cover image? Book Description See what other ones have on Kindle and Barnes & Noble, Kobo etc Keywords/Categories Look at testing those, these need research to bring up list . . Publisher Rocket
I was looking on Windows club site for software and there was one and it had all the usual suspects, most of which allow for a free version and limit its funtionality, fair enough, I use and find it very useful. Mindmeister Lucidchart Mindmup Mindomo Coggle MindMapp Freemind Freeplane. All of the
I think I have an idea that may be worth selling. So I need to develop a course around it . I’ve decided to use Notion to write up the structure of the course and am considering looking to use Udemy to host the course. The course was submitted to Udemy for review & approval
The Ministry of Health(MoH) have posted the original dataset on a different web page of each case and which District Health Board (DHB) they are under. The data can be found here. Instead of by region, its mapped to the District Health Board Regions. So the original map I was using in this post is
The first process I did Architectural Colour Schedule in Excel used VLookup() to lookup a table on a separate sheet, but it did not show you the choice of selections. This time I want to be able, when looking up a room finish, to see what the selections are, so that I can choose an
The last post I tried to use AirTable to create a Colour Schedule from a Revit export. Thinking I could use the Database to cross reference items in the room such as doors/windows etc to be able to pull those in to make the colour scheme planning more comprehensive. It didn’t work. Along the way
Simple time sheet After going through, testing a variety of time sheet options, from Toggl (rubbish) & TSheets, through to a Google Sheets add on with a calendar, through to exporting from Google Calendar, processing and importing to Google sheets, then trying add ins for Google Sheets and Calendar for a process between the two