?️-Heatmaps with elemental condition over time
Like Maps with the condition, we can display conditions of all elements/finishes of items in a building over time if we have the information about those items.
With maps, you want to see the relationships of locations of buildings to each other with proximity or clustering arrangements.
Within buildings, a lot of items maintenance are based on wear and tear and the natural realistic life of those elements/finishes.
As there are a lot more of these elements it is better to show them in a simple spreadsheet. But we can do things with spreadsheets to make this information easier to use to gain insights into the assets.
Firstly we can use colour to show the condition. This is a quick visual way to group a lot of elements that are the same, Blue Good, Red Bad etc
Secondly, we can make the date columns filterable so that we can filter by a specific year in reverse order (bad to good) to see what upcoming issues will be requiring some attention in that specific year and plan and budget for those items.
This filtering process means we can group items in conditionC4 & C5 together to see what needs to be managed, write work orders for tenders for that work in a way that you group a lot of similar things together to make bigger packages that can be managed more easily and cheaper as you have less set up and administration costs.
Here are two examples:
This example is more specific and focused on a single property and shows Lower Base life, Standard Base life & Upper Base life over time.
One example shows the external element/finishes condition
Another example shows external and internal element/finishes condition on a room by room basis
Standard base life
Extended base life
Shortened base life
This is a more general grouping of assets
This example has 100o rows and is for roof elements only for the whole portfolio. It is filterable so you can predict issues that will arise in the coming years from 2016 to 2046 (30 years) based on Standard Baselife
Another example of the External fabric of multiple buildings with 15,500 rows of data. It is filterable so you can predict issues that will arise in the coming years from 2016 to 2046 (30 years) based on Standard Baselife.
Filtering the data to explore your asset data
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Video of heatmap on a single property
Video on online Excel heatmap