Category: visualise building condition

Free WP Real Estate plugins for Facility Management Site Part 1

The demonstration site, which uses examples of different free plugins to demonstrate different features, can be found at Looking at the WordPress themes (free ones of course) I saw there were quite a lot of real Estate Themes and Plugins and I wondered if you could adapt one of these to be a property

Forum for mutual help

Hi All, Forum tab next to Home on menu bar. Or HERE I have noted that there seems to be quite a bit of interest from you out there on my openMAINT setup and configuration blogs. Obviously you are interested in the product and interested in getting instances of your own up and running. I

Excel filterable Heatmaps for Asset Condition over time online

A method for showing condition heatmaps is using Excel to display the condition of the elements over time. Another post Heatmaps for visualising exterior and interior space conditions uses D3.js heatmaps. The good part of this is that you can use filters to explore the information and drill down into the data. Video (4min) I

Visualise spaces with panorama photos linked to PDF

Video (5min) Your browser does not support iframes.  Your browser does not support iframes.    A quick survey method, where a general overview is required quickly, would be to use 360/180 degree panoramic photos. These are good to quickly identify conditions in spaces and also relationships with other rooms (through doorways) and to show items

Revit data extraction for Asset Management Information System (AMIS)

Capturing information on existing assets is a challenge Wellington City Council (WCC) has over 2200 social housing units and so getting good information on them in a consistent manner was a challenge. They undertook a condition survey with surveyors on the properties. It took the surveyors on average 4 hours to survey each unit. There