Category: OpenMAINT Setup

OpenMAINT Open Source Facilities Management Programme Overview

Video (17.21Min) This is my quick overview of OpenMAINT. It is an open source solution for the Property & Facility Management; an application for the management of buildings, installations, movable assets and related maintenance activities. It is build on the IT (Information Technology (Computer Management)) programme CMD Build and modified to use for Property Management.

OpenMAINT and GIS on Localhost. Part 1

I decided to look at the GIS ( Geographic Information System) component of OpenMAINT. I decided to test this initially on my PC. To date, I have not been able to activate the GIS component. I am stuck with the following error: Call: services/json/schema/setup/saveconfiguration ————————————————— Error: org.cmdbuild.exception.ORMException: ORM_POSTGIS_NOT_FOUND         at org.cmdbuild.exception.ORMException But the steps below may

Forum for mutual help

Hi All, Forum tab next to Home on menu bar. Or HERE I have noted that there seems to be quite a bit of interest from you out there on my openMAINT setup and configuration blogs. Obviously you are interested in the product and interested in getting instances of your own up and running. I