Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Video (17.21Min) This is my quick overview of OpenMAINT. It is an open source solution for the Property & Facility Management; an application for the management of buildings, installations, movable assets and related maintenance activities. It is build on the IT (Information Technology (Computer Management)) programme CMD Build and modified to use for Property Management.
Hi All, Forum tab next to Home on menu bar. Or HERE I have noted that there seems to be quite a bit of interest from you out there on my openMAINT setup and configuration blogs. Obviously you are interested in the product and interested in getting instances of your own up and running. I
After setting up the Complex, Building, Level, Unit, Room and the associated relations between them, the next part is to decide where to put elements associated with these items, such as: Doors, windows, wall substrates, wall finishes, floors types, floor finishes, ceiling substrates, ceiling finishes, external wall types external wall finishes, These need to hang
This one I’m still working through, there are a lot of connectors in the process, I think to be able to adapt to more complex scenarios. I’m not sure they are all required in every instance. The following example is Out of The Box. I have just hit the buttons and followed the process. I
OpenMAINT uses reports created in iReport from Jaspersoft, but this has been superseded by Jaspersoft Studio. I did initially` try and use iReport but found that the download file did not just fire up but needs a bit of work done to it, setting up a NetBean environment. I am a bit wary of the
OpenMAINT putting data into system Export/Import Manually putting in data line by line using “cards” can be tedious, especially when data spreads across 3 or more tabs. So openMAINT has a couple of ways to bulk input/update. They are in the Administration Tab under “Utiulities” (at bottom) in LH side bar. You can select a
After setting up the basic installation of openMAINT, I now want to look at how to configure it to the way I want. Condition of Assets The first thing that bothered me was the condition levels and where they are applied. I noticed on the demo that the buildings had a condition on them. This