Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I went to a python meetup where one of the presentors was running a Python app using a google cloud function (GCF). I had to have it explained to me what these were, the thicko in the room. It ends up as an online environment that will run your code. It is dormant until you
I’ve been trying to learn server side programming using node js. I’m running node js on localHost and now want to deploy some code that will run so that it can be accessed outside of my PC. I’ve been following the Code Train videos and the one below shows how to do some web application
I’m going to try and follow this tutorial, some of the early ones are stuff I’ve done before, but the reference to the npm video was interesting. Also to the npm site for looking at packages. Two other resources I just want to highlight. 1/ Daniel Shiffman website and 2/ npm website for packages. Objectives
This is based on the video by Brad Traversy below: Just as a tag, there is a wiki api page here. I’m putting it here instead of previous article because the website is going extremely slowly. I liked the idea of this and the beginning part when he was pulling the whole page worked fine.
This is really interesting. Brad Traversy’s Create a Fake REST API with JSON-Server video follows on from my learning post about Node.js with The Coding Train’s tutorials. I’m being pulled in 2 directions at this time, 1/ Trying to get my head around using APIs and building them & 2/ Creating a Node.js server somewhere
The next part in the equation. A little AHA! moment. After building the API dash for Covid for NZ I found that it was SLOW! I tried cleaning the code up a bit and that did help but it was still SLOW. I then thought about how plases like John Hopkins and how they were
Developing my covid map using API data pulled in in JSON format has caused me some grief. I have spent a couple of days with no progress at all trying to get variable data pushed through a function to use in a JS Template literal. In the end I had to wrap the whole thing
I m very excited as I’ve found out about JS Template literals, I think I’ve used some in code but was not aware of it. The video below is a very good tutorial: There is also a link to Codepen of 1/ the basics, so you can follow along, and the complete solution HERE. The
I came across Node RED as I was looking into IoT projects to do with Raspberry Pi. You can use it on PC’s and on Raspberry Pi’s, it comes installed in the Noobs package. It is an Open Source visual programming language that you plug actions into each other to create a flow of actions.
I found a post that had an article about an Excel type spreadsheet that you have in your web page with the benefits listed below, so I thought I’d have a play with it. jExcel is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with Excel or any other