Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
In a previous article, Spare smartphone security camera, I explored using an old phone as a security camera that I could monitor remotely on my current phone & through PC Browser. That was pretty successful. The Alfred Security Cam app is good at managing the old phone by turning the screen off and activating notifiations
I started thinking about using a Rasperry Pi camera for remote security, over a longer distance, sort of IoT for remote monitoring of a far field on my daughters property, to keep an eye on stock. I went to JayCar and looked at their security systems, most were wired, some used a sim card to
I’ve been keen to do some temperature monitoring. This is IoT basics 101. I thought of a use case for my Beer Brewing. Jaycar had DS18B20 temperature sensors at $7.90$ NZ each. They are cheaper than the DH11 & DH22 which are more expensive as they do humidity as well. So I thought I’d start
I came across Node RED as I was looking into IoT projects to do with Raspberry Pi. You can use it on PC’s and on Raspberry Pi’s, it comes installed in the Noobs package. It is an Open Source visual programming language that you plug actions into each other to create a flow of actions.