Category: Mobile

AppGyver tutorials exploring data sources, airtables,, Firebase, Google Sheets (via & oData integration

I typed in tutorial for AppGyver and this one popped up. As Glideapps are looking to use Airtable as a backend, and I have an Airtable account I thought I’d give it a crack. Creating Dataset in Airtables and calling it in AppGyver It uses rest api calls to Airtable to get the information, so

Free Glide app for Honey product sales at market stall, YouTube thumbnails & Glide email notifications

Developing and exploring the GlideApp into different areas has been fun and interesting. This particular app was for someone i worked with who also sells honey with a group of people, and one location is at an outdoor market stall. I thought it would be handy for people who were not prepared to buy immediately