Category: Surveying building condition

Panorama file Hotspot setup using FREE Photo Sphere Viewer, plan link & tabs

The new   photo sphere viewer by Jeremy Heleine allows you to put Markers on your Panorama . See demo here. I think that is pretty cool and I wondered if you could make them into Hyperlinks to link other panoramas to make a virtual tour. So I did some tests. My previous way to be

Free Mobile & Web Survey Application for easy data collection using Open Data Kit (ODK)

After trying and writing post about EpiCollect5 I decided to look at another data collection tool, Open Data Kit (ODK). A brief overview of it in video below: This has some strengths and weaknesses over EpiCollect5. Weaknesses: Only Android App, not Apple (but since there are lots of cheap Android mobiles this is not a

Free Mobile & Web Survey Application for easy data collection using Epicollect5

I had a couple of attempts at creating a mobile phone app for surveys. See this post and this one. I got distracted by the CRUD process and let it rest for a while. Whilst looking for some Python Mapping tools, I came across this article regarding capturing GPS data and was taken with the

Why use BIM for Data Capture for New & Existing Buildings?

Modern Asset & Facilities Management use information about their assets to plan and maintain them in a Fit for Purpose state so that they can fulfill their space function to maximise their asset value. To do this you require information about the buildings so that you can use predictive tools to: Effectively budget to maintain

WordPress Free Panorama Plugin Testing

I see panoramic 360/180 pictures as an extremely useful tool for Facility Management. As an Architect who goes to site to capture information on existing buildings and sites, the frustration of having a photo cut off just where you wanted to see something just outside the normal picture frame, usually requiring a 2nd visit to

Forum for mutual help

Hi All, Forum tab next to Home on menu bar. Or HERE I have noted that there seems to be quite a bit of interest from you out there on my openMAINT setup and configuration blogs. Obviously you are interested in the product and interested in getting instances of your own up and running. I

Accuracy of Data from Physical Survey versus BIM Extraction

This Survey uses Revit Model Measures to Compare against SPM Surveyed Data of 26 identical apartments. The Survey This is comparison of Duncan Terrace Flats  A01 to A26 which are all similar,( some handed so bathroom/kitchens are flipped- see plans below). Each individual flat was surveyed by one of 5 surveyors who had a group

Revit data extraction for Asset Management Information System (AMIS)

Capturing information on existing assets is a challenge Wellington City Council (WCC) has over 2200 social housing units and so getting good information on them in a consistent manner was a challenge. They undertook a condition survey with surveyors on the properties. It took the surveyors on average 4 hours to survey each unit. There