Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Part 2. At the end of part 1 I was left with openMAINT not recognising postGIS. At the end of part 2 I have the map in openMAINT, but no building icon on the map, or plan of building either, but there is a progression. After configuring openMAINT as per the CMDBuild documentation, I decided
I decided to look at the GIS ( Geographic Information System) component of OpenMAINT. I decided to test this initially on my PC. To date, I have not been able to activate the GIS component. I am stuck with the following error: Call: services/json/schema/setup/saveconfiguration ————————————————— Error: org.cmdbuild.exception.ORMException: ORM_POSTGIS_NOT_FOUND at org.cmdbuild.exception.ORMException But the steps below may
The idea was to alter an existing Real Estate Site to a Asset Property Management Site in WordPress using free Templates/plugins. Go to to view the demonstration site. This has now evolved a bit as I can see extra things that I think I want to do and add to the site. From the
The demonstration site, which uses examples of different free plugins to demonstrate different features, can be found at Looking at the WordPress themes (free ones of course) I saw there were quite a lot of real Estate Themes and Plugins and I wondered if you could adapt one of these to be a property
I see panoramic 360/180 pictures as an extremely useful tool for Facility Management. As an Architect who goes to site to capture information on existing buildings and sites, the frustration of having a photo cut off just where you wanted to see something just outside the normal picture frame, usually requiring a 2nd visit to
Following on from the localhost setup and the post at the beginning mentioning the issue of working on localhost but not on Server that tends to hint that the issue is with the windows server rather than the openMAINT email setup. From localhost setup I found that SSL was required. So that rather negated my
After my failure on trying to get Email working in openMAINT on the VPS I did a little more fossiking around on the web. I came across this post on the CMDB forum. Posted by Wei Xiang at Tuesday 03:05 Dear all, I have two separate openmaint instances at the moment, one running on localhost,
I have tried to set up the email functionality in openMAINT on my VPS server. See bottom of page of free domains for email and for setting up an email server. Initially, in my happy ignorance I just filled in the email tab, adjusted the template for Maintenance Request report to initiator by adding in
Hi All, Forum tab next to Home on menu bar. Or HERE I have noted that there seems to be quite a bit of interest from you out there on my openMAINT setup and configuration blogs. Obviously you are interested in the product and interested in getting instances of your own up and running. I
Background (note-updated 9 oct 2017- dms.conf file altered and dms in openmaint altered- see below) After reading the CMDBuild Technical Manual on how to set up DMS (Document management System) Alfresco and integrate the two, I attempted to have a go at it. I did a separate install for Alfresco 3.4d (this was the one