OpenMAINT Email Part 3- On VPS second try
Following on from the localhost setup and the post at the beginning mentioning the issue of working on localhost but not on Server that tends to hint that the issue is with the windows server rather than the openMAINT email setup.
From localhost setup I found that SSL was required. So that rather negated my loose setup in Part 1 where I did not have SSL on the emails.
So that was possibly the reason why none of my emails got to where they were going.
I recycled the email addresses which does have SSL onto my windows VPS and was still having no success. Then I came across a comment by someone who was having issues with localhost/VPS with some other programme and they mentioned firewalls.
That would explain emails not going through. Especially as the email addresses worked fine on the localhost.
So I created some inbound and outbound rules on the VPS to allow the imap inbound port and the outbound ports to be open in the firewall.
So from our setup on localhost:
We need incoming port 993 open and outgoing port 465 open .
So go to control panel/ System & Security/ Windows Firewall/ Advanced Settings
And you would do the same exercise for outbound port 465.
So if you follow the setup of OpenMAINT Email Part 2 -Working on Localhost then also allow for the port access through firewall for your incoming and outgoing email ports then you should have the email running on the server.
Helpdesk page below on VPS server showing MRs that have created emails sent to guest.
Thunderbird email showing emails received by [email protected] from Helpdesk
As you can see, emails have gone through to Thunderbird from the VPS instance of openMAINT, but some haven’t. I will re-test on the demo instance running on AWS to test another VPS instance.
I did shut tomcat down and also rebooted the VPS and 2 other emails came through, so maybe there is still a sticking point somewhere. The next morning all the other emails came through. Although there is an hour checking? process in openMAINT I can’t quite figure where the bottleneck/delay is taking place.
The other thing, I looked at setting up SSL for the Mail Enable Server, but it looks as if this is only with the pro (paid) version. So there is hMAILServer that is open source and seems to do SSL stuff, so I will need to uninstall Mail Enable to free up the email ports and install hMAILServer and see how that goes. Maybe another blog in that.