Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I want to be able to activate some python scripts using keyboard hotkeys. That is, you type a hotkey , eg Alt + H and it runs the python script that you want. You can do this with a Python script, running in the background and listening for the correct hotkey and then it will
I’ve an original hotkey – ctrl+ Shift + A for cycling through File Explorer open window instances that I got from this video of Taran’s years ago, and love using it. I’ve also started to play with AutoHotKey V2 and am trying to adapt scripts from v1 to v2. I started by trying to acvtivate
I was looking up free productivity tools and came across the following video, unfortunately I’ll have to type out the code myself as there is no link for the code. This Looking at YouTube there was another video, and rather than just text expanding, it allows you to execute something, like a function or script
In Auto Logger and timesheet exploration with AutoHotKey and Python Part 1 I gave an overview of the project, in this article I want to go into the development of the background process of auto-logging computer activity on the PC. My initial start, as mentioned in the previous article was to start with the code
This is an overview of the project I’m undertaking trying to develop objectives and scope of the project. I made a YouTube Video on the topic which incorporates the first part of the project to date. In this article I’ll just do the overview and in the next article I’ll go into the logger script
I’ve been working on a project that has been going on for years, I’m picking up aspects of the project and doing some work on them and then leaving them for a while. I’ve had issues with finding the relevant documents later as I’m dipping in and out of the folders and moving things around,
I’ve been reading the Joe Glines weekly friday newsletter and it had an item in it about using Quick Access Popup (QAP) for auto filling in forms. I have setup a couple of Auto fill forms for some of my CPD requirements for registering and I’ve assigned them to hotkeys. Whilst this is great I
Still ZERO enrollment. Pricing Initially priced at $200, I dropped the price in April, on the 22nd to $150 as I published my eBook and I’ve since dropped it again today, 13th May to $75. Currently at $49.99 and 2 people enrolled. One gave me a 5 star rating, that was nice. Engagement so far
I was getting annoyed with using Obsidian. I would be in some other program and was finding it difficult to pop-up Obsidian so I could quickly write a note. In the taskbar you can assign a Hotkey to a program, but I don’t like doing that as I switch programs and find weird things happening
This seems to have taken a long time to write and load for publishing. A lot of going backwards before going forwards. 2022-05-26 7:26 pm is when it was submitted for publishing. I started to make a prequal for Deploying scripts for Revit, but making it more general than for Revit alone, then realised there