Author: Max Drake

StdLib API automation test with AirTable, SMS message, GMail & Google Sheets

Somewhere I came across Standard Library but best searched for under StdLib. I signed up for it and found a couple of videos. It looked like magic and required serious coding, so I put it down at the time. I have been receiving regular “onboarding” emails (Seems pretty common and irritating when you sign up

Calendly and Zoom

I get GlideApp Community emails most days with updates. David Siegel posted about putting your information up for possible work ( and suggested a meeting app like Calendly for organizing appointments with people interested in talking to you. I thought it was a great idea, but I didn’t have a Calendly account, so needed to

LinkedIn a waste of time

I think I’ve been posting onto LinkedIn for at least a year. Every time I created a post on my website or created a video I also put it up on LinkedIn. Followers Generally I had about 7-8 followers, I couldn’t see the sense in lots of obscure followers, I just got a lot of

Google Sheets Google Analytics add-in to create dashboards

I was looking at the GlideApps showcase and the Bogdan Popa created a News App. In it he uses IMPORTXML in Google Sheets to pull in web data that he filters to different tables. A nice app. I started thinking about what other import formulas does Google Sheets have, I know it has GOOGLEFINANCE for