Author: Max Drake

Github revisited

I’m looking at trying to host a node.js instance on something like Heroku and for pushing to Heroku I saw in the Code Train videos on deploying node that Daniel was using git commands to push the info across to Heroku. Another reason is that I’m sometimes working in the bedroom, sometimes in the living

Building an API in Node

I’m going to try and follow this tutorial, some of the early ones are stuff I’ve done before, but the reference to the npm video was interesting. Also to the npm site for looking at packages. Two other resources I just want to highlight. 1/ Daniel Shiffman website and 2/ npm website for packages. Objectives

Server side API

The next part in the equation. A little AHA! moment. After building the API dash for Covid for NZ I found that it was SLOW! I tried cleaning the code up a bit and that did help but it was still SLOW. I then thought about how plases like John Hopkins and how they were

300 posts

Its been slower writing the last 100 posts compared to the previous 200. But I’ve got there, with this being the 300th post. You can view the actual table here. Your browser does not support iframes Slower because of other activities I’ve broken out of just exploring this area of posting and started doing a

How to import JSON data into Google Sheets to create a live COVID-19 chart

This is in fact an article How to import JSON data into Google Sheets to create a live COVID-19 chart that I came across on my RSS feed from Datawrapper. I want to follow this as it sort of comes full circle. I’d started my covid data exploration with Google Sheets and importXML() and now,