Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I’ve an original hotkey – ctrl+ Shift + A for cycling through File Explorer open window instances that I got from this video of Taran’s years ago, and love using it. I’ve also started to play with AutoHotKey V2 and am trying to adapt scripts from v1 to v2. I started by trying to acvtivate
I use a lot of tabular data and have some challenging times using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to get tabular data into a Spreadsheet format . I use Free PowerToys Text Extractor to capture information but it pastes all the text in one column.The Free Excel Insert Data from Picture feature is really helpful as
I did the initial video and article on this topic but wasn’t happy with the results, so decided to look for another solution. The issue was looping through and numbering the items, if you did this in the initial list then each instance of a product/shop became unique and so you ended up with rows
There is a NZ Grocers app ( that compares prices of products in supermarkets in NZ.I wanted to develop a list of items that would vary in price and do a price comparison across different local supermarkets to find:1/ Where the best prices were to be had for specific products2/Where some short supply products would
In a previous video , Python create Daily Planets Sky Map for Epheremis, Email & Automate –( I use python to attach created pdf document and attach to email and send to myself and others. Email sent to me with CSV attachment to Hotmail account In this video I’m sent a CSV file with meter
In this project I posed the question of which sibling lives the longest. It was a question that popped into my head as two of my siblings passed away last year. I looked up on the interwongle and couldn’t find any data on the subject so decided to do my own research.I used the NZ
Its past 512 published articles but that’s how it goes. I don’t think the site is gaining in popularity but I’ve been adding more Python articles to the blog. Initially there was a lot of visits for OpenMaint but that has dropped off, and I’m getting more visits for AutoHotKey v1 to v2 in VS
I am thinking about writing a book on Python scripting. I started to tinker with Text To Speech from PDF with python scripts and then looked at reversing the process from Speech to Text. There was a video on it so I found one and fossiked on my mobile for an Audi Recorder to create
I’m thinking about writing a book on python scripts and there are a few issues that are explained better visually by a video rather than in text. I thought, for an eBook I can give a link to the video, but if it was made into a paperback then a QR code would be easier
This video is a follow on from:Python Future prices, WITS API & My Electricity Bill- Remote Trigger from subdomain on Website - Live Transit Data on Map on Web Subdomain - Objective of project I wanted to show dynamic chart of electricity prices on a webpage and be able to update the data as required.I