500 Posts
Its past 512 published articles but that’s how it goes.
I don’t think the site is gaining in popularity but I’ve been adding more Python articles to the blog.
Initially there was a lot of visits for OpenMaint but that has dropped off, and I’m getting more visits for AutoHotKey v1 to v2 in VS Code .
Overall its more an aide-mémoire for me and also mentally working through the projects I’m trying to build.

I’m also getting a dropoff on my YouTube site, my GlideApp videos are a bit outdated and the other videos I’m making are not causing much interest. I still think they are worthwhile doing.
Overall I am finding it a bit more of an effort to keep on blogging when I’m using Obsidian to do a lot of my notes and articles. I was initially enthused with the plugin that would take a Obsidian article and push it to wordpress but that broke, and trying to convert the markdown to plain text for wordpress became a bit of a pain.
I’ve spent a lot of the time in the last 100 articles on:
- writing and publishing books, courses & apps and creating a website for Woo commerce (that no one used) and doing research on published information.
- Working on Python API information for Zoe for her business and learning Python & API’s.
- Focused on practical python scripts for my personal use, Astronomy data, Weather Data, web Scraping and other Python related projects such as deploying flask & streamlit apps.
- Some productivity tools, notably MaxLauncher (a Streamdeck equivalent) and aText, which I love.
- Some exploration on Electric Scooters and bits and bobs.
- A couple of articles on AI tools, but not many, a bit of a bandwagon at the moment. I’ll wait until hype slows down.
- I’ve been focusing more on the videos rather than the articles with poorer results, not the popular topic that Glide was. Still, I’d rather be doing what I enjoy.
I’ve been pleased with what I’ve produced. At present a few issues:
- Glide are cancelling my reservation app. I can’t be motivated to do it again in the new setup , so will let it fade away.
- Udemy courses were not that great a success, no users for the last few months so I’ll let them be removed from the platform. Worth a crack but no pickup for them.
- Google Analytics pushing to upgrade to new setup from my current one, I’m not sure if I’ll bother to upgrade at this time.
End Comment
Well, another 100 articles written, and forgotten or not looked at by many. Such is life.
Within the time frame my other 2 brothers have passed away, and so I think I’ll be focusing on what gives me pleasure as time is ticking so do things that you value doing.
Hopefully I’ll get another 100 articles in.