Free Excel Insert Data from Picture feature

I use a lot of tabular data and have some challenging times using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to get tabular data into a Spreadsheet format . I use Free PowerToys Text Extractor to capture information but it pastes all the text in one column.
The Free Excel Insert Data from Picture feature is really helpful as it takes tabular data and will paste it in Excel in Tabular format. Insert data from picture ( makes this a much easier process.
It is a new feature added to Excel, so its not available for older Excel versions. But you can get access to the feature using the free Excel Online App which has this feature available. All you need to do is create a free Microsoft Outlook Account to be able to use the feature.

One of the areas that I found it interesting to use was in getting tabular data from my food calorie intake

Disgusting though it is, I wanted a high calorie menu to start looking at high calories meal that I can quickly add into using with G-Fit data in a python script. To try and get indicative offset for calories used in my general day.

3795 kcal RD 146%
MyFood 15 JulySAT 15 JUL 2023 Diary
Saturday2023Ca Is
McDonald’s Bacon & Egg McMuffin 2x 1 serving36.2610
Hash Brown (from Frozen) 1 patty1791.03143
Hash Brown (from Frozen) 1 patty1.03143
Coffee with Milk and Sugar 1 coffee cup (180 ml) + Add Item0.146.540.3130
Mexicano Jalapeho Corn Chips 4x 1 serving, 120 g3027.2572
Guacamole with Tomatoes 2 cups937541
Coffee with Milk and Sugar 1 coffee cup (180 ml) + Add ItemX0.140.3130
Chicken Breast124293
150 g
Chow Mein Chinese Noodles 2 cups + Add Item3950.23474
Beer 6 cans or bottles (350 ml)869.94929
Coffee with Milk and Sugar 1 coffee cup (180 ml)60.140.3130

So conversion to table is not perfect as it merges some of the cells but it does a much better job than my current methods so I’m going to be using it a lot in the future.

End Comment

I found out about this in a roundabout way from a comment on one of my other videos on Python Web Scraping. It’s a free tool that will definitely speed up me working with getting table data.

I’ve put t as a fast key on my MaxLauncher app so its easily available.