Scanning a QR code on mobile- How to get link?
I’m thinking about writing a book on python scripts and there are a few issues that are explained better visually by a video rather than in text. I thought, for an eBook I can give a link to the video, but if it was made into a paperback then a QR code would be easier to scan to get URL.
This brought me back to an instance where I had my Covid Information on a QR code to have scanned but I didn’t know how to read it as it was on my mobile phone. So I couldn’t use my camera on my mobile phone to scan the QR code. A bit like the instructions for opening a package were inside the package. You had the key, it just was not accessible.
Use Google Lens on image
In Android you can get the free Google Lens app and this allows you ti identify what you see in camera. It also allows you to identify things in an image, so you can take screenshot of the QR code and then use Google Lens to read the QR code and if it’s a URL then it’ll allow you to activate it.

Using the Chrome browser, you can just long-press the QR code and select ‘Search with Google Lens’ from the menu that pops up. This will then display the URL found within the code, giving you the option to follow it. How to scan QR codes on your Android phone
Python library for QR code creation
I decided to fossik and found :
Pure python QR Code generator
Generate QR codes.
A standard install uses pypng to generate PNG files and can also render QR codes directly to the console. A standard install is just:
pip install qrcodeFor more image functionality, install qrcode with the pil dependency so that pillow is installed and can be used for generating images:
pip install "qrcode[pil]"qrcode 7.4.2
End comment
I don’t think I use all the features on my phone. I do like QR codes but don’t use them much.
This is a quirky feature that may have its uses, or not! But I wanted to capture the idea in case I may find a use for it later.