Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
After my partial success with the Arduino chip button test I thought I’d dust off my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B that I’d bought years ago. I hadn’t played with it, I’m not sure why. I’d taken it out of its packaging but hadn’t even installed the micro SD card with Noob setup. So I
I went to a Dynamics 365 Saturday event with lots of talks on Microsoft platform. There was a goody bag with a ESP8266 microchip device and a link(QR Code) to a web page & video on how to set it up as a “Panic Button” which will sent a message to your phone when pressed.
Somewhere I came across Standard Library but best searched for under StdLib. I signed up for it and found a couple of videos. It looked like magic and required serious coding, so I put it down at the time. I have been receiving regular “onboarding” emails (Seems pretty common and irritating when you sign up
I found a post that had an article about an Excel type spreadsheet that you have in your web page with the benefits listed below, so I thought I’d have a play with it. jExcel is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with Excel or any other
I’m developing a series of 3D PDF’s for an As-Built phase of a commercial project. I wanted to split the set into Architectural model, structural, specific services and a general fire model (passive only so where fire rated walls are located). My initial workflow was messy and hard to replicate so I wanted to make
I get GlideApp Community emails most days with updates. David Siegel posted about putting your information up for possible work ( and suggested a meeting app like Calendly for organizing appointments with people interested in talking to you. I thought it was a great idea, but I didn’t have a Calendly account, so needed to
In the last article I tried linking to my VPS MySQL & PostGres databases and couldn’t. On a test DB site I could connect but to maintain the free DB I needed to log in each week, so I decided not to proceed with that. So, this time around I’m going to try and use
I have played with Power BI and Data Studio (DS) is Google’s equivalent, and its Free. Since I’ve been playing with GlideApps I have been working in the Google Docs environment with Sheets and Google App Scripts (GAS) and find the Google environment is versatile and has lots of features. An extension of learning to
I think I’ve been posting onto LinkedIn for at least a year. Every time I created a post on my website or created a video I also put it up on LinkedIn. Followers Generally I had about 7-8 followers, I couldn’t see the sense in lots of obscure followers, I just got a lot of
I saw this great YouTube video about QR Attendance Using Google Drive with QR Codes Generator Add-ons: I thought it was a great workflow and also an elegant solution. The autoresponse from scanning the QR code to fill out the form. How easy is that? Then I got to thinking how I’d use it. I