Category: Wordpress

Google Sheets Google Analytics add-in to create dashboards

I was looking at the GlideApps showcase and the Bogdan Popa created a News App. In it he uses IMPORTXML in Google Sheets to pull in web data that he filters to different tables. A nice app. I started thinking about what other import formulas does Google Sheets have, I know it has GOOGLEFINANCE for

WordPress Editors

I went to a WordPress meetup talk last night about the Gutenberg editor by Mike Eastwood . A few interesting things I learned at the talk: Atomic blocks plugin looks interesting. It is built for the Gutenberg block process. There is a columns block that was demonstrated. I’ll look forward to trying that out. You

200 Posts

Dear visitor, This post is to acknowledge that I’ve now written 200 of them. A milestone. It has taken me 8 months to write them. I hope you have enjoyed some of the posts and have received  some useful insights/help that have assisted you in your work or interest. I have enjoyed writing most of

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