Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I was looking at the GlideApps showcase and the Bogdan Popa created a News App. In it he uses IMPORTXML in Google Sheets to pull in web data that he filters to different tables. A nice app. I started thinking about what other import formulas does Google Sheets have, I know it has GOOGLEFINANCE for
Following on from the 2 previous videos relating to this app, after a task has been completed, an email can be sent to the project manager, and others via the app to advise of its completion. So we need to take this item off the TO DO list and move it to another list, and
Koji app development platform I came across when looking at GlideApps and it is a free platform at present. GlideApps has a free platform too. It builds mobile apps from an online site where you select an existing template and adapt it to your own needs. So rather than building an app from scratch, you
Click this link to go to developed app. Glide is a bit like Coda, but different. Its intentions is to build an app without needing to code. Allowing you to focus on content rather than process. It has a free tier and you need to sign up/sign in. You need a google account so that
Going to get a seat to an Opera or Ballet performance in Wellington I usually trundle down to the ticketek office to book and get the tickets. When looking for seating they usually have a plastic folder with photocopies in and point to seats in the price range you are looking at (usually the cheap
I have seen the RoboTask automation programme and it is a paid programme , for personal use its 119$US so I ignored it in my exploration for task automation tools. I found there is a free RoboTask Lite that is a cut-down version of the main product that deals with files and PC activities but
I wanted to link a couple of things I’ve been learning and doing and highlight them in videos. In some demonstrations seeing is better than listing Vid 1. Screen Capture & Optical Character Recognition (OCR) In this video I wanted to show how to use screen capture process to get code from YouTube and other
Example of Context menu pop-outs Interface for setting up: pyWinContext is a Free Manager for Custom Context Menus in Windows. You can download the actual compiled .exe file here. There is a video on use case here, its not in my area of interest but you can see how useful it is: After uploading and
I was reading an article about integrating Google Apps with WordPress and one was a plugin for Google Forms and decided to investigate it. When I went to install the plugin I came across Calculated Fields Form plugin for WordPress and decided to install that too. I’m glad I did, this is a great plugin.
I need to get my head around this to see if it can supplement the sheet filtering info I was exploring in the last post. Formatting Macro tutorial I will be following the tutorial in the video below, it is one of the videos from the Learn Google Spreadsheets that I think is an exceptional