Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Using 3D PDF's to manage your buildings through their lifecycle with the help of 2d & 3d comments, static and dynamic stamps for annotating and recording events, inspections and changes.
Uploading a new WordPress site to my VPS (Virtual Private Server) became a bit of a problem a couple of months ago. I was trying to set up a simple template site for my Son-in-law for a woo-commerce product site. Unfortunately my VPS did not want to do so, even using the Microsoft web platform
I’ve been keen to do some temperature monitoring. This is IoT basics 101. I thought of a use case for my Beer Brewing. Jaycar had DS18B20 temperature sensors at $7.90$ NZ each. They are cheaper than the DH11 & DH22 which are more expensive as they do humidity as well. So I thought I’d start
I came across Node RED as I was looking into IoT projects to do with Raspberry Pi. You can use it on PC’s and on Raspberry Pi’s, it comes installed in the Noobs package. It is an Open Source visual programming language that you plug actions into each other to create a flow of actions.
While on the Raspberry pi site, in the download section, there is a 3rd Party OS for Windows and I thought I’d like to try that out. My VPS is a windows server and I thought it would be interesting if I could boot the RPi up with different OS’s. There is a setup page
Further to my earlier article ” Physical Ms Flow button -IoT part 1” I have been tinkering around with Arduino code & Flow buttons a bit more. Some successes and some failures. The failures I cannot seem to connect to the device any more. So updating the code in Arduino desktop does not re-install on
After my partial success with the Arduino chip button test I thought I’d dust off my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B that I’d bought years ago. I hadn’t played with it, I’m not sure why. I’d taken it out of its packaging but hadn’t even installed the micro SD card with Noob setup. So I
I went to a Dynamics 365 Saturday event with lots of talks on Microsoft platform. There was a goody bag with a ESP8266 microchip device and a link(QR Code) to a web page & video on how to set it up as a “Panic Button” which will sent a message to your phone when pressed.