Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
People have their skills. I’m a bit of a techie and love to dive deep into things. Being freelance you have to be versatile though. Like having a modicum of understanding of accounts for tax and skills for running a business. One area I find challenging is marketing. I tend to get work by word
I am back working on my own again. So I thought I’d give the online Time sheets an explore. I generally just do an excel timesheet and then add an invoice to it when I am contracting. Keeping a note of my hours on a notepad. Also, a lot of companies want me to do
After tinkering with Tables in for planning for my website in the morning I did find I was more focused on what I needed to do on the website and completed most of the tasks in that part of the project. 3 down and one to go. and Zapier I had a parting
It’s not often one comes across a tool that looks really really interesting where you think you can get some great leverage, but from what I have seen so far looks really useful. I’m even starting this post off with a Part 1 as I expect to be doing quite a lot of exploration
Continuing the development of the site, a few more issues came up. Product Image Size I had an issue with the product image proportions being more portrait than square, that didn’t suit the images I had made for the site. I have since found a setting in the theme that lets you adjust the proportions
I have a couple of demonstration sites. Vast & Property Information. These are sites that I use to demonstrate certain functions of a programme or to display results. Early on I started with a Google Map that I applied data over. For some reason, it is a bit sensitive on my VPS site and doesn’t
On with the plot. I’m setting up a service based website with WordPress Woo Commerce site with Local by Flywheel. Copying Site from Local to Host Site Before I get too far with local I want to transfer a copy of my site to the new site I have set up on my VPS (Virtual
The plot. Selling services for Data Capture for Facility Management clients. The initial idea was building an Intranet/Extranet site but then I realised that I had built a site called PiP (Property Information Package) that offered data capture information for domestic/commercial clients, planned for Wellington properties (where I could actually visit) and I pulled it
I can’t actually recollect who had told me that you could go backwards in Revit versions by exporting to IFC and then opening a new project and bringing in the IFC into a previous version. I know Matt Cantwell was doing quite a lot of work with bringing information in from IFC’s but not the
A couple of interesting presentations I came across. Solar/Shadow studies by the Revit Kid: Revit Tutorial – True Solar/Shadow Studies A couple of interesting things he did in this video that I didn’t know about: 1/ Using Camera to make a plan orthogonal view (instead of perspective, thus being able to show windows full height