Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine) is a powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data. You can download it from here. In the Cognitive Class tutorial on OpenRefine it talks about 60-85% of time of data scientists spending on
There is an interactive tutorial here running Python. This instance is running from another website so could be slow. I found this video extremely good for setting up (I used the pip install method not anaconda) and how to use it. The Jupyter Notebook The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you
After my first attempt to compile an executable programme with python, with no success. I thought I’d give it another try. The issue seems to be that the compilers do not play well with Python 3.6 yet. The nearest I came to getting anything working was with the CX_Freeze module with a file as
I have a lot of data in Databases, MS SQL for some of the Revit Model Extract data, MySQL for my WordPress sites and some of my data and PostgreSQL for my OpenMaint data. So linking to the Databases via Python to be able to extract, interrogate and possibly update the databases is another way
I have downloaded a lot of stuff from Github but haven’t really bothered figuring what it was about. I found this video a simple way to get my head around it and get to use it initially: Github Tutorial For Beginners – Github Basics for Mac or Windows & Source Control Basics I had signed
Panoramic files (360/180) can be viewed directly with a programme such as Paint, but they do not make much sense. You need a specific Panoramic programme to read the files correctly. I use the FREE photo sphere viewer by Jeremy Heleine. Follow the link to see the demos. The method that the programme uses is
The new photo sphere viewer by Jeremy Heleine allows you to put Markers on your Panorama . See demo here. I think that is pretty cool and I wondered if you could make them into Hyperlinks to link other panoramas to make a virtual tour. So I did some tests. My previous way to be
I have a process where I export Revit Models with Shared Parameter Data to a 3DPDF which can be read by anyone with a PDF viewer so that they can 1/ view 3D Geometry of Building Model, 2/ Extract data from 3DPDF to a CSV or XML file for processing. I have developed an Excel
I was looking at doing a project to test web scraping with Python. I came across this article from AIA about how many architects does the economy in the US need in the future. I found that a lot of the data used was from general government sources. So I thought I would look at
After trying and writing post about EpiCollect5 I decided to look at another data collection tool, Open Data Kit (ODK). A brief overview of it in video below: This has some strengths and weaknesses over EpiCollect5. Weaknesses: Only Android App, not Apple (but since there are lots of cheap Android mobiles this is not a