Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I started thinking about using a Rasperry Pi camera for remote security, over a longer distance, sort of IoT for remote monitoring of a far field on my daughters property, to keep an eye on stock. I went to JayCar and looked at their security systems, most were wired, some used a sim card to
I really enjoy the curated maps that Keir Clark presents on his Maps Mania website. I get them through my RSS feed and there are some pretty interesting ones. He had this article Sub Francisco about Andrei Kashcha’s City Roads rendering in brouser of a selected city roadways. After selecting your city of choice you
After AutoCad, that had LISP, where you could write some simple code and get some useful tailored tools that helped your efficiency, I find Revit tailoring a lot more difficult. It is more sophisticated and so programatically there are more challenges, so the code needs to be a bit more complex, but some simple Keyboard
I go to tech meetup talks around town. One i went to recently as about RPA (Robotic Process Automation). In the talk a few vendors were demonstration their services/programmes and showing Bank/Enterprise processes that included Chat Bots and other automated processes. They talked, on the one han about efficiency, and also about customer enguagement &
I am not a touch typer, so look at the keyboard when I type. Sometimes I’ve hit the caps lock key and suddenly half of what I’ve written is in upper case GRRRR! Smart Caps Lock I found a small free app called SMART CAPS LOCK that sits in the toolbar tray that allows you
I’ve been doing some work for my daughter on her growing business. One of the things I was trying to work out was a flow process for the organisation, from seed o delivery and items needed along the way. I started to use to look at some of the flows and organizational structures and
After playing with Azure I was in the MS(Microsoft) headspace and while browsing the net I came across a website with a .asp extension, so I thought i’d look at building a website with ASP.NET Core. So after figuring out the difference between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core, core being the updated method which is cross
For the all day presentations on MS Azure AI they gave a voucher for 7 days for trying out the services. I am interested to see if I can get something up and running. So I’m going to start with the Computer Vision. Of course, this is not as easy as the demo’s make it
I went ot a day presentation on Microsoft AI cognitive services on saturday (14th dec) and although it started slow, some of the presenters were very interesting. The afternoon sessions weere definitely more interesting than all but one of the morning sessions. ML build insights one from Xero, Simo Carryer, who was trying to implement
I’d played with this before and just saw it as dark magic. I couldn’t really get my head around it. I remember trying to set one up and making a total mess of it, so I left it. Yesterday I went to an Azure All day presentation on Cognative services, hopefully I’ll try one of