OpenMAINT locating Assets in Building/Complex structure

After setting up the Complex, Building, Level, Unit, Room and the associated relations between them, the next part is to decide where to put elements associated with these items, such as: Doors, windows, wall substrates, wall finishes, floors types, floor finishes, ceiling substrates, ceiling finishes, external wall types external wall finishes, These need to hang

Accuracy of Data from Physical Survey versus BIM Extraction

This Survey uses Revit Model Measures to Compare against SPM Surveyed Data of 26 identical apartments. The Survey This is comparison of Duncan Terrace Flats  A01 to A26 which are all similar,( some handed so bathroom/kitchens are flipped- see plans below). Each individual flat was surveyed by one of 5 surveyors who had a group

How to setup openMAINT on localHost (Win 10 PC) Part 2 with Shark Together Workflow Server for workorders

On Starting openMAINT you get this error of the image to the left on the opening page. It is related to the Shark Server.  This is the Workflow server. I actually found that the file for shark.war was in fact corrupted with the openMAINT download 1.1 2.4.3  version. See Image 2 below, this shows that

OpenMAINT 2. Export/Insert Data & Multiple Update procedures & links to 3DPDFs, Plans and Maps

OpenMAINT putting data into system Export/Import Manually putting in data line by line  using “cards” can be tedious, especially when data spreads across 3 or more tabs. So openMAINT has a couple of ways to bulk input/update. They are in the Administration Tab under “Utiulities” (at bottom) in LH side bar. You can select a