Category: eBooks

Udemy Free Productivity Script Course

Saturday 18 June 2022. I’ve just uploaded the Udemy course for review. Hopefully it will be OK with the Reviewer. I’ve set the price at 19.99 as I want to discourage people purchasing the course until I have the other books published then I can set it for Free. It took me about 5-6 days

Free Book for emails

Book sales are nonexistent so looking at marketing methods having an email list to send info to seems important. Book link : I saw this video about perma-Free book to gather emails from and thought I’d create a free book I’m writing stuff on AutoHotKey and thought doing a simple productivity script may be

Draft2Digital for book distribution

I was watching Sean Dollwet’s information on publishing and he mentioned draft2Digital. So I thought I’d investigate. A pearrticular vid of his that I’m thinking about is about freebook for gathering emails. Fees What does it cost to use Draft2Digital? Draft2Digital has no up-front charges for any of our services (formatting, conversion, distribution, and sales


This seems to have taken a long time to write and load for publishing. A lot of going backwards before going forwards. 2022-05-26 7:26 pm is when it was submitted for publishing. I started to make a prequal for Deploying scripts for Revit, but making it more general than for Revit alone, then realised there