Creating eBook- part 5- published, sales & translations
I finally, after a month or so, have got some information on sales, sitting in plain sight in Kindle publishing. I’d been monitoring information from downloads and other activities but had no real data.
At the end of the last post finally figured out what was happening. I’d sort of had a hunch that a couple of books had been bought but that didn’t tally with the downloads from the site.

The report shows that people have been reading the book with their special kindle account so that they can download the code without purchasing the book. That was not the intention.
For the simple stuff more than happy for them to download the examples but the bonus material, NO.
So today, Tuesday 10 May I’ve just edited the main manuscript and the 3 translations and removed the download link to the bonus code, so they still have the code but they will need to cut & paste it into files. A bit more tedious but it should be 95% there even with the translations. They have just been approved and are all live in the afternoon.
The Kindle Edition Normalized Page (KENP) Read (people read for a minute fee per page, somewhere around 0.4c per page (depending on rate in each area and for each currency) shows that Spanish, German & Portuguese being read so far. Its good someone is reading them after doing the translations.

(2022-05-14 6:20 am) The Arabic version is being published after 72 hours. First book in April got small royalties, not sure why.
Squeeze Page- offer something
You do have opportunity to market and get email addresses in your book, at front of book offer a freebie. This allows you to then on-sell or advertise upcoming things. Squeeze page examples
End comment
I published book 2 to Kindle, but not select, so can purchase only. I added a squeeze page, its at the front, so people can look inside and view and download, I’m not sure if anyone has yet. Sales dropped off so to date 4 books sold and KENP views stopped as well (just viewing a couple of pages). So still awaiting some royalties but that wont be until end of June, glad found the stats page though.