Udemy Free Productivity Script Course

Saturday 18 June 2022. I’ve just uploaded the Udemy course for review. Hopefully it will be OK with the Reviewer. I’ve set the price at 19.99 as I want to discourage people purchasing the course until I have the other books published then I can set it for Free.

It took me about 5-6 days to pull all the course together, even with the written book.

A couple of corrections, it does not like external links apart from in Bonus lecture at the end. So added book links to that.

Am trying to use obsidian to look at tasks ahead. A few things to do, at this moment I can do some videos for another course on Udemy for Book AHK1 and also carry on writing AHK2 Book.

I’m having issues with loading the Book up to D2D , it keeps on rejecting it. It thinks that it’s the KDP select book 1 of the series so refuses to publish it. I may try deleting the book and starting afresh. That may help. Yes it did, so far, its published to Kobo, still awaiting others (Sunday 19 June 2022).

Monday 20th June 2022

Course AHK0 has been approved. Have put it on for $30 just to discourage people , will drop it to $0 when other courses online. Trying to do Udemy AHK1 now while writing book for AHK2. Not very focused at the moment.

Monday 27th June 2022

Course 2, AHK1 book got approved and I tried to make this course free but it is 4 hrs and 20 minutes long and needs to be 2 hrs or less to be free, so priced to lowest tier of $19.99 at the moment.

I may need to split the course into 2-3 sub courses to get into free pricing bracket. A project for later. The book is free on D2D but no one aware of it.

End Comment

I’m glad its up and released but really keen to finish AHK1 book course to get that up so can drop the AHK0 book to free and see if there is active take-up of course and book awareness from it.

Also feel the clock ticking with Zoe so want to get as much done before her work comes in.

I’ve generated and tried using free coupons and sending to a few people on my minimal email list to see if they would try it and use it but only one person used it and no review.