Free Book for emails

Book sales are nonexistent so looking at marketing methods having an email list to send info to seems important.

Book link :

I saw this video about perma-Free book to gather emails from and thought I’d create a free book

I’m writing stuff on AutoHotKey and thought doing a simple productivity script may be the way to go. Doing a simple hotkey and text expander, I also added time formatting.

Not a junk book but a practical productivity book with usable tools. It may attract others to purchase my other books.

Book Content

It took me a while to write the book. I ended up using the GUI building as a chapter in AHK 2 book and that got me onto focusing on AHK 0 book.

I was initially going to do a simple cut/paste from other chapters but ended up doing a lot of original writing for most of the chapters, so it took a bit of time to get the content right.

I’m happy with what I’ve produced, I think it reads well as far as stepping through the issues, I didn’t want to do a simplistic book with minimal content or one idea, I wanted a book that would stand on its own. I sort of slid over GUI’s but the rest of the content is pretty robust.

I’d conveyed ideas from the 3 paid books I’m writing and demonstrated those ideas. So I think it is a good book from the point of giving people an insight into AHK, also giving them a useful tool and also going deep enough into all 4 areas (Hotstring content, remap hotkeys, encrypted hotkey content, time) to get people thinking of practical usable tools.

As I noted , I used Hotkeys for years before starting to use AHK as a scripting tool for lots of other things.

I created a simple upload video that describes the program. I need to link to the book (when its published) and also put other links in in the description too.

I created an Email before download to get peoples content to interest them in other books, we’ll see if that was worth it. It took me a lot of messing about, still don’t have that right yet,. I should do a video on that too sometime.

End Comment

This took a while to publish, it kept getting kicked off Apple and other places for having links to the other book 1 on Amazon.

Now that its up and running I have to try and get it on Amazon. I need to see if I cn get Amazon to do a PriceMatch on other stores.