Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
After creating a visualisation of planets orbiting in the solar system I wanted to see if I could create a daily Epheremis of planetary bodies for my particular location with Altitude & Azimuth locations at hourly intervals and then send it to myself via an email so that I could access it on my mobile
I wanted to be able to visualise a Kepler Orbit and found some code to do this. After being able to plot the orbit I decided that I wanted to represent the solar system planets orbiting the sun and looked for some code to do this. I was still thinking about launch windows from a
I’ve done a degree in Mathematics, as an aside degree and I’m not particularly strong in it but still have an interest. One thing that I’d always wanted to do is to calculate the orbit of a planet with Keplers Orbit equations. It has been of intellectual interest and no practical use really. I’ve been
I was looking up free productivity tools and came across the following video, unfortunately I’ll have to type out the code myself as there is no link for the code. This Looking at YouTube there was another video, and rather than just text expanding, it allows you to execute something, like a function or script
Distributor, Administration, Metering charges and the EA levy component modelling Continuing on from Python Analytics & My electricity Prices- Part 2 & Python Analytics & My electricity Prices- Part 1 I did a quick summary, after receiving information about additional charges for Distributor, Administration, Metering charges and the EA levy components, of which I got
In Python Analytics & My electricity Prices- Part 1 after being able to answer the question “IS MY NEXT BILL GOING TO BE GREATER OR LESS THAN THE CURRENT ONE?” there were some other feature that I wanted to use Python to analyse. Changing Daytime Bucket sizes to match the Bill Daytime buckets In the
My electricity bill is broken down as follows: The actual Electricity purchase cost is usually just over 1/2 the actual bill, there are other charges such as “Distributor charges” that have a fixed component (minimum charge) and proportional component (based on kWH used) that is added to the bill for the final charge. So for
I pay my electricity bill weekly, its based on wholesale spot pricing, so can change quite a lot, quite quickly. I’m not quite sure what the underlying factors are that make it change so dramatically and the Electricity bill is not of much help. I sometimes look on the Electric Authority Website for wholesale prices
This is an overview of the project I’m undertaking trying to develop objectives and scope of the project. I made a YouTube Video on the topic which incorporates the first part of the project to date. In this article I’ll just do the overview and in the next article I’ll go into the logger script
just reviewed my website and see that I have not posted anything since November. A change of habits and a focus on some different projects. The change of habit is in using Obsidian for most of my note taking of late. I find it a very handy tool to chart progress on projects I’m working