Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
This is the next part of daily download data via email, to do with tides on the beach that I regularly walk the dog. Using Bing crosby (aka Bing Chat) to find the solution This was a bit of a challenge as I was doing an experiment with Bing Crosby (aka Bing Chat) to see
This one is a bit backwards. My first focus was on automating a URL link with a python script and /or a image/logo/watermark that can be positioned where you specifically want on a page. This ended up not being as easy as I’d initially thought. fpdf library for creating url & image links in new
After earlier video on process creating Epheremis I wanted to do a sky map that would show the positions of the planets so that it was easily visualised, so I used the astroplan library and created a plot and after earlier only plotting one row of data from my Epheremis CSV I ended up plotting
After creating a visualisation of planets orbiting in the solar system I wanted to see if I could create a daily Epheremis of planetary bodies for my particular location with Altitude & Azimuth locations at hourly intervals and then send it to myself via an email so that I could access it on my mobile
I wanted to be able to visualise a Kepler Orbit and found some code to do this. After being able to plot the orbit I decided that I wanted to represent the solar system planets orbiting the sun and looked for some code to do this. I was still thinking about launch windows from a
I’ve done a degree in Mathematics, as an aside degree and I’m not particularly strong in it but still have an interest. One thing that I’d always wanted to do is to calculate the orbit of a planet with Keplers Orbit equations. It has been of intellectual interest and no practical use really. I’ve been