Author: Max Drake

Tree Diagram, collapsible, for plant generations in HTML

The web page for the Tree Diagram Background story My daughter is a grower and she had information on the different generations of plants she is growing. She has a spreadsheet that she uses to show different strains of plants, grown initially from seed and then cloning the plants to get the best strains. To

Storage & Backup of my Data

Background to the issue I’ve been having a few issues with losing files recently. My new (bought 2nd hand) QNAP 2 bay storage device crashed, so I had to reformat the 2 drives in that and start over. I’d been using that as main backup of current files for about 6 months so I was

AHK QAP Fill Form Snippet

I’ve been reading the Joe Glines weekly friday newsletter and it had an item in it about using Quick Access Popup (QAP) for auto filling in forms. I have setup a couple of Auto fill forms for some of my CPD requirements for registering and I’ve assigned them to hotkeys. Whilst this is great I

Espanso and Flow Launcher

I was doing a regular check on free productivity tools and came across this video: The 2 items that interested me was a Text expander Espanso and Program launcher Flow Launcher. Both are available on Github for free. Espanso Text Expander Espanso seems to be like AutoHotKey but is cross platform so can be used

3d choose theatre seats

I thought this was cool. VRSEAT for choosing Theatre seats. This is a cool extension on what I was playing with in Revit and 3d package, to show view from a specific seat, I’d used the ASB basketball centre on the waterfront for my example. My only comment is that you don’t see the seat