Author: Max Drake

Free Google Sites

Google sites are free websites you can build and have hosted by Google. They reside on your Google Drive. My Recipe Site I wanted to create a site for some recipes that I’m trying out. I have been bookmarking videos and recipes and also using the Firefox sidebar add-ins like Notes and 5 notes to

Free Notion all in one workspace. First look

Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. Notion is all you need — in one tool. For teams & individuals — Web, Mobile, Mac, Windows It does Notes/docs, Tasks/Projects, Knowledge base & Databases (actually looks like Coda sheets not sure if it does calculations on cells though). You can link/share with others pages you have setup.

Revit internal condition over time GIF

Background I have written a post on showing internal building fabric condition over time in this article Revit Internal Condition over Time.I was not, at the time, happy with the presentation of the information as it was a series of screenshots that I then put in as slides to step through the process. Two things

Productivity Windows Tools again

After PyWinContext in post Free Manager for Custom Context Menus in Windows  I came across another Context Menu Customization tools that manages your popular Folders. MyFolder Within File Explorer you right click and in the menu there is a new item called MyFolders that lets you copy/move files to specific directories or Goes to that

200 Posts

Dear visitor, This post is to acknowledge that I’ve now written 200 of them. A milestone. It has taken me 8 months to write them. I hope you have enjoyed some of the posts and have received  some useful insights/help that have assisted you in your work or interest. I have enjoyed writing most of