Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I saw a couple of websites that had a bit of a Christmas theme so I thought I’d check out if there was a plugin you could add to your site. With WordPress you can just add a Plugin and there were a few, but I’d seen the Christmasify! plugin and decided to go for
While trying to run scripts in AutoHotKey I started to look into getting the Bash scripts to work. I’d got all the other inbuilt scripting programs to run the example scripts so I thought I’d look into that too, just in case it had some effect on the AutoHotKey running issue Bash scripts in aText
Buying License- choices complicated- easy to purchase I decided to bite the bullet and get an annual License for aText as I wanted to play with the scripts. A few funny things happened. First, depending on where you download the app from is what access you have for purchase. I downloaded one from the aText
I got a bit fed-up with LintaList being inconsistent & decided to try a different text expander. On my journey with this feature I started with the autoCorrect script with AutoHotKeys and found I had to open the script up, scroll right to the end to add another abbreviated text expander item, then restart the
I typed in tutorial for AppGyver and this one popped up. As Glideapps are looking to use Airtable as a backend, and I have an Airtable account I thought I’d give it a crack. Creating Dataset in Airtables and calling it in AppGyver It uses rest api calls to Airtable to get the information, so
I had a quick test yesterday with AppGyver to try getting the web app built. I used the basic default app and went to Launch>Distribute tab> Configure and then ran the build. It came up with Status created but that just means that its processing it. Later I got an email saying that the web-app
The first question I had was could you embed the page in a web page? This is a wordpress site and I’ve used an iFrame to display below, this is using an iFrame plugin: As you can see the page is blocked from view. There is also an embed shotcode as well and using this
I was revisiting no code apps and came across AppGyver which has a free platform that seems pretty open and also has a logic wire up process that seems different from other nocode app builders. If you get developer accounts you can put your apps up on iOS and google play , but apparently difficult
I lost my car keys when walking down at Hataitai Beach, one was electronic key for car and its about $250 for a replacement. I ended up walking home to get a spare key and then back down to car. I made a poster (A4) and a $40 reward but no one came forth. I
I’ve been having grief with one of my wordpress websites. So I’ve been watching the usual videos that talk about disabling plugins by renaming the folder and that doesn’t seem to work. I was looking to put in my CV for a job and they asked for a website so I thought I’d put in