Lost & Found
I lost my car keys when walking down at Hataitai Beach, one was electronic key for car and its about $250 for a replacement. I ended up walking home to get a spare key and then back down to car. I made a poster (A4) and a $40 reward but no one came forth.
I have also found a few things on the beach, and others have too, and asked people if they have dropped said item, and generally no one has.
I thought about a simple web page or app that people can scan to say what they have done with an item (eg left at Spruce Goose) or handed into police etc.
A simple way to do that would be to have a web page with a QR link that people can get to website and post information. A photo of the object could also be uploaded too possibly.
Thinking about it, a glideapp would be a good, simple tool.
Looking on the web there is a FreeCodeCamp hackathon that created a website:
& here is link to github code. An interesting thing is they store the stuff in https://formspree.io/html formspree which allows people to fill out forms and info goes to your email , which is then uploaded on web page.
How would you do it?
Thing is lost, where would you go to look for it. If you had lost something, where would you go to find it? A glideapp?
How would that work? What data?
- Photo,
- details of item,
- date found/lost
- contact details of Finder looser
- where found
- 2 lists lost & Found
How to process? After things returned to owners then remove from list.
GlideApp- Lost & Found in Lyall Bay
I decided to have a go using a glideapp with the Datatable rather than the google sheets, I’m not sure that was the best decision but I thought I’d give it a crack.

It’s a pretty basic app, no sign in and a switch for saying item has been reunited with its owner.
It took me a bit of faffing as I don’t think I have logic for hiding completed lost/found switch, but I’ll explore that later if the apps used.
I used the Dymo label maker to make the labels, I thought I’d make them bold to see if people would use it.
The address was a bit long so I used Bitly to shorten the address, as the label tape is only 12mm wide and there is at least 1mm either side so QR code is a bit small, but it seems to scan OK.
Glideapp URL https://maniacal-low-9196.glideapp.io/
Bitly URL https://bit.ly/3HE1wlj

End comment
I’ll need to go and put the stickers up to see if they work and if the app is used.
Main issue was rusty with glideApps, I spent a while trying to find where a FIELD was required as I wanted only some of the information to be required, whereas if they were all ticked you had to put in email and phone # even if you only wanted to put in one, or none if you took the item somewhere and left it (eg Cafe) or tied a lead up to a post somewhere.
When I finally got that figured out it went a lot more smoothly.
I made a video and put it in for review at the Glide App Store. Lowest price is 4.99 so put it in for that. We’ll see if that one is approved.