Category: DataBases

RapidMiner Studio free Data Science Tool

It provides a wealth of functionality to speed & optimize data exploration, blending & cleansing tasks – reducing the time spent importing and wrangling your data. RapidMiner provides an integrated environment for data preparation, machine learning, deep learning, text mining, and predictive analytics. RapidMiner Studio (Some information see item 18 of list).  This programme keeps

Asset Tiger 4. Testing features Reports, Localisation/Date/Time Format and Site/Location , Audit, Geo-location & Map

Reports Standard reports The out of the box (OOTB) Asset Report is pretty standard, not too many field, as in, none of the custom fields that you have added come through. You have 2 options, the Asset by ID Tag  or Asset by Tag with Pictures. (screenshots 1 & 2 below). Both show you all

Orange free Data Mining Tool

I was looking through 101-useful-websites article and came across and used it to look up alternatives to say “Revit” and “AutoCad” and other tools I use. I then typed in KNIME which I use for data mining, data analysis and it came up with Orange as a free alternative.  So I looked at some

DataTables for dynamic database queries for tables on web pages & export tools

I have been interested in displaying tabulated data on a web page from a Database, exploring what is out there to use. WordPress has a couple of Free Table add-in’s but they are usually only available for uploading static data to your website (or from Excel/CSV). There is one WordPress Add-in that read from a

Excel web scraping and connecting to database. Dynamic updating of Excel imported data

After writing the previous post on web scraping and the example given of using Google Spreadsheet to obtain a web table I started wondering about Excel. I was aware that it had a web connection so decided to explore those. This first video shows how to automate the data scraping  from websites into Excel: Then

Google searching, free Web Scraping tools and free Extract Tables from PDF tool.

I have been looking at some of the free Data Science and Cognitive Computing Courses and was following the Data Journalism: First Steps, Skills and Tools course. The Google Searching video was on improving your searches in Google using the following: quotes to get specific key words eg “data science on construction” using – sign

Revit data extraction for Asset Management Information System (AMIS)

Capturing information on existing assets is a challenge Wellington City Council (WCC) has over 2200 social housing units and so getting good information on them in a consistent manner was a challenge. They undertook a condition survey with surveyors on the properties. It took the surveyors on average 4 hours to survey each unit. There