Python 9. MongoDB NoSQL DataBase & PyMongo
I have been interested in NoSQL databases and so I decided to try MongoDB. I always thought it stood for NO SQL but apparently its NOT ONLY SQL.
I used this video to get an overview of setup and uses:
Installing on VPS. Not a problem. Directly as the video.
Installing on my PC, real difficulties.
I had problems setting up and starting MongoDB. It would go to install it self from the install.msi, get 3/4 of the way through copying the files, then do a rollback.
For the setup I used the example as per the video, installing a custom install on the install.msi with a directory of C:\mongodb\ instead of the path C:\Program Files\mongodb\
You need to setup where it will store the database and in the end I did a C:\data\db directory and that seemed to work. (note in the mongod start below I direct the db to C:\mongodb\data\d, I noticed that after I had mongod running there was still information in the C:\data\db , so I left that there for the time being)
The other issues I had is that I found on the StackOverflow blog that you needed to run the CMD prompt in Administration Mode for the install.
I also found that even with all of these things I had to untick the install button for Mongo DB Compass (The GUI interface).
Even after installing , you need to navigate to the C:\mongodb\bin\ directory and start the command prompt from there and at the command prompt:
C:\mongodb\bin> mongod –directoryperdb –dbpath C:\mongodb\data\db –logpath C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log –logappend –install
this would give you the cursor:
but mongo would not start. So this StackOverflow post was really useful and suggested running:
And looking through the services, look for MongoDB service and click start.
This then got mongo working. So you are ready to type commands regarding the database with mongo.
I had to install mongoDB Compass separately.
I used the NewBoston tutorials for doing create db, create collections and create documents and also doing queries on the data.
In the tutorials he uses NetBrain tools, I just used Compass or mongo command line.
After following the tutorials for players I was able to setup documents in a collection inside a database and run simple commands.
I was then able to do some simple inserts, editing and querying to the database. But I wanted to know how I could query the database and export to external files.
JSON (Java Script Object Notation) file structure is the means to import/export data from MongoDB as well as BSON (Binary Script Object Notation).
in the above series I came across PyMongo which I was intrigued by it. It would help me connect and query the database and also direct the output to a file if I wanted.
So after using: pip install pymongo I found an example on youtube that demonstrated using PyMongo.
I used this example on my players collection:
from pymongo import MongoClient import pprint client= MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/') db=client.Test1 for a in db.players.find(): pprint.pprint(a) and it outputted the data from the players collection very nicely, 2 of the 25 documents below.: {'_id': ObjectId('5b0cdd804a8ba9010022e0a1'), 'age': 26.0, 'birthdate': 'February 21, 1989', 'birthplace': 'Ann Arbor, MI, USA', 'height': '6\' 1"', 'id': 8474013.0, 'imageUrl': '', 'name': 'Ian Cole', 'number': 28.0, 'position': 'Defenseman', 'twitterHandle': 'icole28', 'twitterURL': '', 'weight': 219.0} {'_id': ObjectId('5b0cdd804a8ba9010022e0a2'), 'age': 32.0, 'birthdate': 'July 06, 1982', 'birthplace': 'Moers, DEU', 'height': '6\' 2"', 'id': 8469555.0, 'imageUrl': '', 'name': 'Christian Ehrhoff', 'number': 10.0, 'position': 'Defenseman', 'twitterHandle': 'therealhoff10', 'twitterURL': '', 'weight': 205.0}
Some commands in mongo
connecting to: mongodb://
‘>cls ( this clears screen)
‘>show dbs (this shows what db’s are available
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
local 0.000GB ( this is existing – leave)
> use test1 ( this creates DB test1)
switched to db test1 (this stitches to the DB)>db.dropDatabase()
(this will drop the database that youre in)>db.players.insert()
(this creates collection) and insert lets you stick something in it)db.players.insert(
“position”:”Right Wing”,
“height”:”6′ 0\””,
“birthplace”:”Seria, BRN”,
“name”:”Craig Adams”,
“birthdate”:”April 26, 1977″,
)(the above is sticking one document into the COLLECTION players.)
If you are doing multiple, you need to pass into an array:
>db.players.insert([{Data you want to insert in curly brackets for each document}
Another way:
{ item: “journal”, qty: 25, size: { h: 14, w: 21, uom: “cm” }, status: “A” },
{ item: “notebook”, qty: 50, size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: “in” }, status: “A” },
{ item: “paper”, qty: 100, size: { h: 8.5, w: 11, uom: “in” }, status: “D” },
{ item: “planner”, qty: 75, size: { h: 22.85, w: 30, uom: “cm” }, status: “D” },
{ item: “postcard”, qty: 45, size: { h: 10, w: 15.25, uom: “cm” }, status: “A” }
]);(note for the above:
a(This is Javascript like syntax)
1/ There are square brackets, so making an array
2/ Last item/document, no comma at the end
3/ Finish off with Semi colon )
shows everything
Can restructure it ti:
to tidy it up and make it more json legible>db.players.find().pretty()
To remove an object:
“_id” : ObjectId(“5b0cdd804a8ba9010022e0a4”)
This will remove the document with that Id.For update needs 2 parameters, first is id of object, 2nd is updated data
1st parameter inside curly brackets and comma at end2nd parameter modified detailsdb.players.update(
{“_id” : ObjectId(“5b0cdd804a8ba9010022e0a5”)},
“position” : “Left Wing”,
“id” : 8476874,
“weight” : 206,
“height” : “6′ 2\””,
“imageUrl” : “”,
“birthplace” : “Boston, FIN”,
“age” : 20,
“name” : “Ollivander Maatta”,
“birthdate” : “August 22, 1994”,
“number” : 3
I do notice it can be a bit touchy like JavaScript if you miss out commas , brackets and colons etc.
Both of the tutorials on MongoDB used JSONLint to check that the JSON format was ok.
End thoughts
Now that I have python and the database talking I will have to explore how to use both.
I think I will try and explore a Geo example to see how that would work with the NoSQL database.
The other type of NoSQL database I want to try is the Graph type to create relationships. Matt Cantwell had mentioned this type of connectivity when working with Recollect.