Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I was reading a BBC article on social isolation and came across 3 links about numbers that were quite interesting. One was The number glitch that can lead to catastrophe that talks about integer overflow and uses a lot of examples that were in an audiobook (Humble Pi by Matt Parker) on number errors that
I’m listening to “Humble Pi” by Matt Parker about mathmatical & computational glitches and it mentions the Y2k38 bug. This is when a 32 bit processor will reach a binery count of 32 1’s and then reset to 32 0’s. 32 bit computers use Unix time, starting from 1 Jan 1970 as a start point
This is a vid on how to create Subtitles in different languages to add to your video. I watched another indie App developer video (Indie = independent) and he talked about localisation for his apps, and the fact that he’d translated the information into different languages, even though it was just with Google Translate, he
Below are my video playlists you may be interested in. I hope some of these help you in your endeavors. Please give a thumbs up and subscribe. GlideApps Playlist Honeycode Visualise Asset/Facility Management Playlist Free Productivity Tools Beginner Coding Revit Tips & Tricks BIM Revit Building Asset Data Capture for AM/FM
I was reading an article today “‘Clunky’ government covid app used ‘minimally’ in Marlborough, businesses say“ I thought about building one with GlideApps. Then I thought about it some more and realised that GlideApps does not actually access any of your Phones features, its only a web page. Then I saw the video below and
I’m thinking of trying to do an NZ map of regions where cases are. I’m using link to Wikipedia 2020 coronavirus pandemic in New Zealand page for data on region data. I have been looking for polylines for these regions and also centroids for region polylines. No luck so far with centroids but I got
After looking at all the tutorial videos and doing the basic exploring features of setting up a Ribbon tab from tutorial code it is time to try and do something. I crashed and burned trying to adapt some code for selection and colouring and realised I was over reaching a bit. So I need to
This is a cool video on methods of presentation using background images, pre-set view templates, text as objects, filters and layering views over views, some in realistic and some in simple to give a mixed media feel, as well as using finishes and transparency to create filters. Very good and quick. Different fonts as objects
I have played with Power BI and Data Studio (DS) is Google’s equivalent, and its Free. Since I’ve been playing with GlideApps I have been working in the Google Docs environment with Sheets and Google App Scripts (GAS) and find the Google environment is versatile and has lots of features. An extension of learning to
I think I’ve been posting onto LinkedIn for at least a year. Every time I created a post on my website or created a video I also put it up on LinkedIn. Followers Generally I had about 7-8 followers, I couldn’t see the sense in lots of obscure followers, I just got a lot of