Category: General

Some BBC articles on numbers

I was reading a BBC article on social isolation and came across 3 links about numbers that were quite interesting. One was The number glitch that can lead to catastrophe that talks about integer overflow and uses a lot of examples that were in an audiobook (Humble Pi by Matt Parker) on number errors that

Y2k38 Epochalypse

I’m listening to “Humble Pi” by Matt Parker about mathmatical & computational glitches and it mentions the Y2k38 bug. This is when a 32 bit processor will reach a binery count of 32 1’s and then reset to 32 0’s. 32 bit computers use Unix time, starting from 1 Jan 1970 as a start point

Video Playlists

Below are my video playlists you may be interested in. I hope some of these help you in your endeavors. Please give a thumbs up and subscribe. GlideApps Playlist Honeycode Visualise Asset/Facility Management Playlist Free Productivity Tools Beginner Coding Revit Tips & Tricks BIM Revit Building Asset Data Capture for AM/FM

LinkedIn a waste of time

I think I’ve been posting onto LinkedIn for at least a year. Every time I created a post on my website or created a video I also put it up on LinkedIn. Followers Generally I had about 7-8 followers, I couldn’t see the sense in lots of obscure followers, I just got a lot of