Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I have a multi-pronged approach to investigate at this point: Identifying and testing the software keys and getting them to work Making them generic so that I can share them Look at licensing file setup for program and start testing/compiling/testing- Yearly subscription or buy outright? Look at modular add-ons for program- basic plus add-ins to
I saw a couple of D2D videos on how to and they were all a bit vague on actual setup of Authors page with Universal links for books on other sites There is mention that you can add links but no-one demonstrates how this is done. A bit irritating. From what I can understand when
Book sales are nonexistent so looking at marketing methods having an email list to send info to seems important. Book link : I saw this video about perma-Free book to gather emails from and thought I’d create a free book I’m writing stuff on AutoHotKey and thought doing a simple productivity script may be
I was getting annoyed with using Obsidian. I would be in some other program and was finding it difficult to pop-up Obsidian so I could quickly write a note. In the taskbar you can assign a Hotkey to a program, but I don’t like doing that as I switch programs and find weird things happening
I watched a video by Paul Marles about KDP not giving free ISBN numbers to Low Content books, which means you cannot use the look inside feature to see what the book is about. After struggling through setting up the pages and making the Camino Journal I saw this as a bit of a nuisance
I was reviewing the publishing of the book in Chinese and looking on Amazon China its not clear (with Google Translating page) but I found an article on what languages you can publish on Amazon, Swahili does not seem to be one of them. IngramSpark, what are Royalties? So I started looking at publishing in
Currently my 5th most popula post on my blogsite is How to Set Up Room Data Sheets in Revit with (NOW FREE) WhiteFeet add-in . I’d loaded Whitefeet plugin and was playing with it. So I wasn’t actually using it in anger as such, on a real project, more as an exercise on what that
I saw this free license, from videos it doesn’t have templates and interface is a bit more simplistic than one shown in videos but still pretty good. The license key expires in a couple of days so I should load onto ‘puters today. I got the license from ” target=”blank” style=”glass” background=”#428bca” size=”4″]Video Playlist[/su_button] The
Name of Book? Heading & sub-heading Cover I’ll need identifiable revit symbol and some gears, something showing automation, other IDEAS for front cover image? Book Description See what other ones have on Kindle and Barnes & Noble, Kobo etc Keywords/Categories Look at testing those, these need research to bring up list . . Publisher Rocket
This is a productivity tool similar to QAP (Quick Access Popup) and you can trigger a pop-up menu with a hotkey or a mouse gesture. There is an editor where you can put a list of things like files/folders/URL’s etc , the nice thing is there is a little memo pop-up as well. I found