Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Amazon Web Services(AWS) have just released Honeycode (, to help businesses develop apps without code. It allows you to have 20 people in a team (to share apps) and 2,500 rows of data and as many apps as you want. It works on mobile phones through its free downloadable app that you need to be
This is great. I anm very excited about it. Virtual Box (VB) runs a virtual Operating System on your PC. So, on my Windows PC I can run iOS or Linux. So that is great. I have wanted to play in Linux but have not wanted to setup a server on some cloud as I
I lke GlideApps, they are cool. You can make some great apps with them. But you cannot access youtr phone’s sensors. So I thought, use App inventor to grab data from phone sensors, send it to google Sheets and then use GlideAppps to access the same google Sheets with that data to make a richer
I was reading an article today “‘Clunky’ government covid app used ‘minimally’ in Marlborough, businesses say“ I thought about building one with GlideApps. Then I thought about it some more and realised that GlideApps does not actually access any of your Phones features, its only a web page. Then I saw the video below and
Watching YouTube vids I see people zooming in on their screens to highlight a specific part of the screen, which is usful sometimes, I think its done on Mac’s. I’ve wondered about a Windows tool that will allow you to Zoom in to part of the screen, also sketch on the screen and to clear
These are two useful productivity tools for windows users. The first has some handy tools that can be switched off until needed, the 2nd is something that I really want. Power Toys Power Toys is an interesting free Windows tweek app. There are some new features that look as if they can help productivity. I’d
Finding tools that will increace your effectiveness which do not disrupt your workflow are always useful. Ultimate Windows 10 tweeker (UWT) UWT is a free programme that allows you to tweek some windows 10 settings without having to use RegEdit and potentially stuffing that up. They are also easily reversable, so if you don’t like
I saw this video on Kepler & React and was excited about the Kepler app. I want to try it with NZ covid data that I’m getting from some API endpoints. But its not structured in a GeoJson format. This is a tool that Uber have developed and shared, which is nice of them. I’m
I logged into using my Github account and there was a Project that I was interested in testing that I’d seen a video for which was the Kitchen Sink template, but noticed that there was also a Gatsby Template for a Blog post, so I thought I’d try that out instead: After selecting Blog
Trying to get a habndle on static sites, I’ve started a Gatsby & Hugo blog sites and now a barebones from the ground up using Next.js. This is a good tutorial to learn about dynamic pages and a static site so I’m going to focus on coding this, then head back to the Hugo site