Paperback & Hardback low content books

I watched the following video: and she has one on her cover’s too: I was thinking what the next project would be and then I thought of a Camino Journal paperback. With content ideas as follows: Cover and rear design- Francasis route, Journal A frontice piece? Description for KDP. Also put on select- Hardback and


This seems to have taken a long time to write and load for publishing. A lot of going backwards before going forwards. 2022-05-26 7:26 pm is when it was submitted for publishing. I started to make a prequal for Deploying scripts for Revit, but making it more general than for Revit alone, then realised there

Send Encrypted files

I wanted to send some sensitive information to someone else, and wanted to protect the file. It was mainly text. Natively in Windows for Zip but NOT home edition I hadn’t really done this before so I looked into doing a password protect on a zip file in windows 10, but you can’t with the

eMail before Download 1

I’m stuffing up the setup. I’m using 3 plugins and they are not playing together. The plugins are Contact Form 7(CF7) , Download monitor (DM) & EmailBeforeDownload (EBD) The help files are not! Helpful so I want to just step through process, as I’ve stuffed it up a number of times. Objectives of this exercise