Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I now have an operating tool, and here is the input process: It works, to an extent. Here is the setup: It works , but it has a few issues. Steps of scan process Scan Trigger code to start Script Scan Add Tab. Cursor ready for first input Scan Plant ID, it then tabs to
I usually listen to audio-books on my phone by inverting the phone (so speaker upwards ) in my shirt or jacket pocket and listen to stories. It has a few issues: sometimes the stories are recorded quietly and there is no way to boost the sound so you’d carry the phone near your ear It
The scanner has arrived. As I’m waiting for my Label Maker I can only scan from screen (or print) at the moment. I’ve had a basic play with it and it seems to operate live wired and with wireless with the dongle. I have to have something open with text (Excel or Google Sheets so
I’ve been fossiking for AHK scripts that are of some use. There are some simple hot key actions, such as Date/Time and some other ones such as opening multiple websites and making Button URL links. I’ve been gathering them together, and I wanted some way to have them accessible without having to remember all the
I was watching the vid below on AHK and barcode scanners, he tells a story, about 7.20 min in about someone who uses barcodes to record feeding times and cage numbers to speed up record keeping. I thought that would be an interesting project for learning about recording data on plants, thinking about OraPharm (My
I’ve been exploring AHK a bit further, specifically in the area of using GUI’s to use an interface to help access information and do things. After looking at a few tutorials on YT I think I’ll need to get my head around some functions. As you need to action some sort of action to a
After getting into AHK I started to explore further. Auto close down script with hotkey One question I asked was can you close down a running script with a hotkey?, so a built in close command, and you can, a very interesting post on Stack Overflow “How do I stop an active AutoHotkey script?“. I’ve
When I was using Revit to to data capture for existing buildings the team used RTV Reporter Pro that took the room data and shared parameters in Revit for a specific model and then put the data in a MS Express SQL database. It then had an interface add-in in Revit that allowed you to
I ‘m just resetting up my AutoHotKey(AHK) FastKeys (see previous post for activating on startup) when I wondered if you could use AHK’s with Revit. i found this old YT video that does some interesting activities within Revit from 2008. A bit of a fuzzy video but good to see a useful application. Also, fossiking
I was playing with Febooti Automation Workshop (community edition for personal use only) when setting up a new PC and had an issue about starting a AutoHotKey Script on startup and it didn’t allow for running a script. Automation Workshop & Task Scheduler I looked at what I had on my other PC and it