Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
After plant watering/recording app, which I use daily I wanted to move onto the Freezer Inventory. I have modified the Plant watering app for my beer brew recording, that is mainly typing in rather than barcode reading, but I inputted all the data pretty quickly, so now have a structured file with the data in
Initial code setup for plant monitoring here. There is a more updated script in the next article here. Timekeeping original code There is a really nifty script (by yevolcn on GitHub) that allows you to quickly add in time in a pop-up menu triggered by Alt+3 hotkey. It writes the information to a file and
I now have an operating tool, and here is the input process: It works, to an extent. Here is the setup: It works , but it has a few issues. Steps of scan process Scan Trigger code to start Script Scan Add Tab. Cursor ready for first input Scan Plant ID, it then tabs to